Regina Lammer, MSc
Psychotherapist in training under supervision
Transactional analytic psychotherapy
Transactional analysis means focusing on your uniqueness and your personal life story!
Transactional analysis (TA) is a psychological theory of human personality structure
and interpersonal behavior.
In Austria, it is mainly known as a psychotherapeutic treatment method and is recognized by the Federal Ministry as a specialist field of psychotherapy due to its scientifically sound theories, models and concepts.
It is also used in all professions in which people are supported in shaping their lives and their further development.

Transactional analysis is widely applicable!
Using resource-oriented and proven methods, together we create the space for understanding, change, further and new development through to the healing or alleviation of mental suffering and symptoms.
I will accompany you respectfully in detecting and breaking down blockages, relearning old stressful patterns with new behavioral patterns that suit you and your life situation. Where it is helpful and healing, we work with comforting and retrospective understanding.
Appreciating the past, in the sense of rehabilitating and restoring your wounded inner person, can be part of this work, for which there is time and space in the safe environment of my practice.

W ell-known TA methods and approaches include
- the TA communication model,
- EGO-States
- the drama triangle,
- the “drivers” or also
- the “games peoples play”

My practice address and contact information:
Krenngasse 17, 8010 Graz
+43 670 4018201
I work with adults and young people aged 16 and over
(individuals, couples, small groups).
I offer psychotherapy and psychosocial support in English.
Emergency numbers at weekends and at night:
PSY NOT. Telefon: 0800 44 99 33
Telefonische Gesundheitsberatung: 1450
Ambulanz LKH Psychiatrie: 0316 385-13 616
Ambulanz LKH Graz II Standort Süd: 0316 2191-0
Männerinfo 24/7 Krisenhelpline 0800 40777
Männernotruf: 0800 246 247
Kriseninterventionsteam Steiermark: 130
Ärztenotdienst: 141
Rettungsnotruf: 144
Telefon-Seelsorge: 142
Rat auf Draht: 147
Seelsorgeraum Graz-Ost Telefondienst: 0316 34 10 20
Sorgentelefon Kinder und Jugendliche: 0800 201-440
Ö3 Kummernummer: 116 123
Barmherzige Brüder: 0316 59 89 20 00